October 24, 2004


I love fall when the leaves change colors, and it's crisp out, and just beautiful. Makes it seem that everything is right.

Yesterday I went for a walk around the neighborhood w/ my husband. We have only pine trees in our yard, and no deciduous trees. So in my walking I picked up fallen leaves from all the neighbor's trees. A few years back I read about pressing leaves between wax paper and ironing them, then having them to hang or place around. I did try it a few years back, but somehow it didn't work out right (iron wasn't hot enough?). They didn't really get pressed together.

So now, that's my fun project for today :)


Sarah said...

So... how'd the leaves turn out? I have tons of bright red leaves gathering in my parking space at work that I could use for something like that.

KAN said...

It works for the most part. I think it would work best as a placemat though.

Otherwise it kind of seems that the leaves don't get completely ironed in. So if you wanted to cut them out, they may come apart from the wax paper.

k2h said...

jen is pressing leaves in the phonebook we never use. i got a winch tydown strap from harbor freight for $5.. oh wait.. WE got it. i know jen'll read this sooner or later.

its coming along nicely. we'll have to open it someday and see what they look lke.. they are aspen leaves from our water witchig hike.

Unknown said...

it is curious that wax paper is used to form a lamination on the leaves since when i melt crayon on stuff i use wax paper to protect my iron. the wax paper doesn't stick to the iron or the paper... mmm i wonder if there is a different paper that would work better but give stickier results or if there is something to add to make the wax paper stick better.

k2h said...

one could add glue, that or epoxy. yeah.. industrial epoxy. that should do the trick

k2h said...

iron not hot enuf? try the microwave.

k2h said...

hey, don't look now but ifyou look at your profile you've written 143 words! what is this valentines?

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