December 28, 2004

eggnog and fruitcake

So, how many like eggnog? How about fruitcake?

I grew up with eggnog and fruitcake at christmas. and fondue christmas eve, and cheese logs and crackers (especially Twigs), and hot (vege) chicken salad, and homemade cranberry sauce... but back to eggnog and fruitcake. I'm not the biggest fan of either, but I enjoy a little once a year.

I realize that not all people like eggnog. And not all people like fruitcake (although I have a really good recipe for a no-bake fruitcake made w/ graham crackers). But it makes me wonder - what is it about eggnog or fruitcake that people don't like?


aughra said...

egg nog is too viscuos. And I probably spelled that incorrectly, but egg nog is too phlegmy. You know what I mean.

Sarah said...

I like fruitcake, at least if it's nut-free. I can't honestly say that I've ever had eggnog. At first this was because it just wasn't something we ever had in our house. As an adult, I haven't tried it because I figure the last thing I need aroung the holidays is ANOTHER bad-for-me addiction--I've got plenty already!

Unknown said...

i like egg nog at christmas, although i am picky about my fruit cakes. i don't like a lot of fruit cakes because they have really super fakey fruits and most of the time i don't actually like the artificial flavorings used... or rather i guess i don't like the concentration of them. i like the alcohol (easier to spell than that m word) cherries but only like two on something else, not solid with other things that taste suspiciously similar.

k2h said...

i have never had egnog, or do I play to try it. you and your rum-spiking buddys can keep it to yourself.

fruitcake... mmmmm... I love the alcahol cheries (merachino) cherries as well. whats this about gramcrackers in the fruitcake? if I knew what they were made out of i may not like them.

did jen post about fruitcake being on the list of things to NOT cary on? supposedly its so dense it looks like plastic explosives to the scanners.

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