March 2, 2005

the new question to be asking...

Apparently the new question to ask around here is “how’s your courage?” I’ve heard a few people asking each other that in the last few days. Maybe it was something discussed and I wasn’t there so I missed it… I don’t know.

“Courage: The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicissitudes with self-possession, confidence, and resolution; bravery.” (from

Maybe I'm just not getting it, but it seems kind of like an odd question to ask – “ So Barbie, how’s your state of mind and spirit to face danger, fear, and vicissitudes?”


forkev said...

that reminds me of more worthless thihngs that i've heard said in my life.

"that's just the way the cookie crumbles"

"your ear's must have been buring" usually said to people who call that you like.

i wonder if I can file for disability for my childhood?

Unknown said...

seems like people think that they will be able to get around the "fine" answer in response to the "how are you doing?" question by changing the question into something clever sounding but still just as useless. in all reality there are very few people i truely want to disclose "how i am doing" to so it doesn't matter the form of the question, most poeople will get a "fine" out of me (or at least something that sounds more interesting but upon reflection really just means fine).

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