June 8, 2005

remembrances from the past

In reading Mari's blog about driving vehicles you are not used , I remembered the following from my past a few years ago...

As an assistant dean we had Lake Day where we loaded up all the kids and drove a couple hours and played in the lake all day. Well, I didn't end up with a map, and I lost my leader at a stop light. Girls in my car thought they knew the way, but they didn’t. Then people at a car lot gave us the wrong directions, we took a few wrong turns, and I ended up needing to pull a 3 point turn around in the middle of the road (old country road, nobody around, no place to pull out and turn around). With the lovely automatic that I was not used to, as I shifted into drive to pull back around, the van sort of rolled backwards - into the ditch! This van had low clearance as well, so the bottom was slightly scraping along the road. So I had to have the vanload of girls get out and push us out of the ditch...

We eventually arrived at the lake about 2 hours late and just about the time they were ready to send the State Patrol out to find us...


k2h said...

I'd have killed the person that diteched me at the stop light. rear mirrors are for making sure the people you are leading are still back there. further proof that no on really uses them except me.

Unknown said...

i am truely impressed with your perserverance!
after getting ditched and one wrong direction i would have been tempted to just go call someone back at the academy or something and say you are staying put until you get good directions or someone comes back... sigh.. but that wouldn't work.
at least you got the van out!

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