July 20, 2006


'Jane' at the office (an octave lower than normal): "Well, I don't have a fever anymore"

hack hack, cough cough
half a lung,
cough cough, hack hack

'Jane' (again octave lower than normal) "I don't think I'm contagious anymore"

cough cough, hack hack
hack hack, cough cough


forkev said...

-puts bottle of windex away-

i'm telling you, we need to put a little bottle of windex on these guys and have an auto-dispurse trigger. these are scary employees! if your sick, stay at your desk and alchohol wipe your phone when your done with it (and don't use mine)!

k2h said...

how about if your sick, call in sick and stay home? thats terrible working environment.

if people can't stay home, you should have the 'sick club' meet in the attic or something, using outside stairs, or a rope ladder from the attic window.

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