February 5, 2007

email is NOT on the internet

said by a dear sweet person: "That's just email right, it doesn't have to go through the internet?"


Unknown said...

well... maybe you could sell her some land in FL. after all that isn't in florida right?

forkev said...

in their defense, it could be in the intranet and never touch the public side (internet) - but those lines are blurred on OUR network, as the email server is publically accessible through the internet. I am often confuse why similar people think a network is not required to print to a computer when that computer is not attached to their local machine AND they are not holding a floppy/cd/thumbdrive.

k2h said...

is the interent up to 3cds from aol now? shipping must have gotten expensive and thats why i no longer recieve 'interent updates' (aol 6)

Daniel said...

I think most people believe in magic computer thingyies. Funny, given that we are forbidden from practicing magic...

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