August 8, 2007

I was gonna do some work but then I got high

They're doing some remodeling here in our office. Pretty much right next to my desk/cubicle. We've had days of super loud noises (hammering, sawing, drilling, etc), days of painting, days of horrible smells, and days of quiet. Lately we've had mostly quiet, because stuff they've been doing is like moving a door around or fixing the edging.

However, today remodel guy comes in and sands the walls (loud noise), then proceeds to texturize the wall with spray can stuff (HORRIBLE smell).

My nose starts to burn, I get a headache, my stomach feels sick and I am lightheaded. Door opens down the hall, and barely makes some air come to me. There's many more having problems with the smell as well. I escaped down the hall to a coworker's office to do some work, but the smell still lightly permeated the whole building.

The unfortunate thing is that no one has cared to ask us (sitting right next to the construction) how we're handling the sounds, smells, etc. Give me a mask, or another place to work, or some aspirin, or have the work done when I'm not right next to it... So, since no one's asked, I will go share :)

The whole smelly experience made me think of the song Because I Got High, by Afroman. Not sure he has a positive message overall, but I do like the song.


forkev said...

everytime i walk by i think of what it may be like to huff gold spraypaint and feel like this guy

Unknown said...

i love that people totally ignore the people working in the building...

Unknown said...

we do minor repairs of the building during normal working hours, but if there is renovation, the workforce is relocated! if that happened to me at work, it would be a no brainer... BREAK TIME

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