November 28, 2007

Argh for the day

Ok people, if I want to listen to music at work I bring my own music, and play it quietly through my computer at my desk. I do not make everyone listen to it. I do not make it loud. I can control the volume and if I want to listen to a song, I can, or I can skip it, or whatever.

Please tell me why you must now play Christmas music over the intercom throughout our office.
1. I did not ask for you to broadcast music,
2. The intercom broadcasting should be used for paging people for calls or meetings
only, not extra stuff,
3. I do not want to listen to your guitar/Kenny G/country/acoustic/etc Christmas
music that you like, or that’s “tame” enough to be broadcast office-wide,
4. Please turn it down. Come sit at my desk and try to talk on the phone, see how it
works for you without music volume control.
5. These songs are getting stuck in my head and it’s only been going for 10 minutes,
6. It’s still NO-VEM-BER! NOT DECEMBER! I.E. NOT CHRISTMAS YET! I’m not interested
in Christmas yet, or having Christmas forced on me yet.


forkev said...

get some foam and a box and cover over the speakers within earshot. or, move to my desk in my absence.
being sick is SOOO BORING.

got me some ugly IE6/7 css fixed, but now my teeth feel gritty. oh boy.

Unknown said...

stupid people and their stupid music. we had someone who played music in their office loud enough to bother me a few doors down and then to make it worse sang with the music.

why don't people understand that you shouldn't broadcast music in an office!!!???

i think you should start leaving typed messages laying around in random places that say things like "stop the music" "i hear dead people music" "i can't do my job with loud music"

Unknown said...

at my work some of the guys crank their cell phones up and put them on the desk, blaring the same 3 songs over-and-over-and-over all day every day. its the equivelent of someone squeezing a rubber ducky all the time and then running their nails on the chalk board. every time I pass this guy I hate him a litter butmore.

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