September 16, 2006

más música por favor

I used to listen to music almost all the time. As I got ready in the mornings, as soon as I walked into my room/house, as I drove around, as I studied, etc. My friends and I used to rock out to the same songs over and over; knowing by heart what song numbers on each disc. I loved music, and I loved hearing awesome songs that gave me goosebumps or made me want to cry, or made me want to jump around. I loved the emotions music could convey. Sometimes it put me in a better mood, sometimes I ended up in a contemplative mood, sometimes I felt such love and happiness. Many a time I can remember feeling the rush that a great song gave me.

Somewhere along the lines I stopped listening to music. I am not sure when or why that happened. I just didn't really listen to music anymore. Every so often I'd listen to talk radio - Dr. Laura Schlessinger specifically. I'd maybe listen to that a few hours a day. For awhile I found myself not even listening to to anything at all. A lot of time with my own thoughts or silence...

Lately I've realized how I really miss music and the strength and positivity it gave me. So I've been trying to listen to music more lately, mostly christian music, and I've found those awesome songs again that make me realize life's about so much more than I'm giving it. Some new favorites - My Jesus by Todd Agnew, My Savior My God by Aaron Shust, Holy is the Lord by Chris Tomlin, and an old favorite, Rest by Skillet. Good good stuff.

I've found it's usually good to go back to what you truly love. You may end up in a far better place once again.


forkev said...

just so long as going back does not include a previous lover, i'll support your observation. so, does this mean we can get bigger speakers and a new amp? the neighbors need some evangelism coming their way....

Unknown said...

i really like listening to music while i am doing stuff at work... it makes it seem like there are other people around even though there aren't.

k2h said...

thanks for posting the link to I usually hate flash, and despise autoplay music but their music is good! thanks!

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