April 2, 2006

Book review: My Sister's Keeper

I'm always looking for a good book to read. One that keeps me up late wanting to find out what happens, one that makes me come home and want to go straight to reading, and one that makes me think. For awhile now, I'd heard about the book My Sister's Keeper, by Jodi Picoult. I'd read a few good reviews, and the subject matter of the book intrigued me. So I got it from the local library, and had a couple days of reading a very good book.

It's the amazing story of the Fitzgerald family. Kate has had leukemia since she was 2, and Anna was conceived as a bone marrow match for Kate. Since birth Anna has been used to keep her sister alive, but now she's being told it's time to give a kidney to (hopefully) keep Kate alive. With the prospect of invasive surgery that will take a major organ, she decides that she must do something - so she hires a lawyer to help sue her parents so she can have medical control over her own body.

The story is told from many people's viewpoint - parents Brian & Sara, brother Jessie, Anna, the lawyer, and the court appointed person to evaluate Anna and her stability to make such a decision. (Each character even has their own font throughout the book - kind of cool)

This book examines the struggle to find love and acceptance within your own family, the morality of using one person's life in hopes of bettering another's, and the struggle to find yourself and your own voice.

Great story, with a surprising finish.

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Janell said...

That might have to be the next book I read.

Unknown said...

wow that looks like a good book... i'll have to check it out from the library too.

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